What is DMCA Protection?

 DMCA Protection?

If you have been blogging for a long time then you would know that copying someone’s content is not at all right to be successful in blogging! But still there are many such new bloggers! Those who copy the content of others and paste it in their blog.

In such a situation, do not steal the original content written by you! You can use DMCA Badge for this in your blog! And whoever uses your blog post by copying it! You can also take action against him.

So if you are a blogger then definitely read this post till the end! You are going to get a lot of useful information about DMCA in this article. Let us first understand

What is the full form of DMCA?

The full form of DMCA and its full name is Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This is a copyright law of the United States, whose purpose is to protect digital content from being copied.

What is DMCA Protection?

It protects all digital products such as Articles, Images, Audio, Text from being DMCA copy. Friends, we can understand DMCA law in this way too! For example, if you publish an article on your blog, then you are the copyright owner of that content! But if someone copies that article of yours and uses it in their blog or commercially anywhere! So it is against copyright law! And to prevent this crime and to take action against those who do so, DMCA protection has been created.

So when you have added the DMCA Protection badge to your blog! So you get this power! That if a user uses your content without your permission, then you can get your content removed from any other website.

Also, after adding the DMCA Badge, you can also know this! On which blog, website your content has been copied and used! Therefore, DMCA helps in protecting the content of all those website owners or bloggers who work hard to prepare their content.

What is DMCA guys? Now you must have understood that now it becomes important for us to know this too! That if someone steals content from your blog even after adding the DMCA badge! Then what to do?

How to complain if Article Content is copied?

The blog or website or other platform on which your content has been stolen! If you want to complain! So you can directly contact the Admin of that website if you find out! Or you can give DMCA Takedown Notice! As soon as this notice is received, that website owner will know that you have asked to remove your original post from this blog.

You can send a DMCA takedown notice by visiting the official website of the DMCA. Where its complete process is given! Apart from this, despite giving warnings many times, another user is copying content from your website, then you can report in Google DMCA Form!

And if your request gets approved! So after that Google can also remove the copying website from the database forever! But to do this, your website should have a DMCA Badge, through that you can take any step.

What are the benefits of DMCA Badge?

1. The biggest advantage is that any user uses the content of the website or blog without your permission! Then you get the information about it.

2. You get proof of content theft through DMCA Badge! Which makes it easy for you to remove that content.

3. If You Successfully Add DMCA Badge to Your Blog! So all the pages of the blog or website get automatic DMCA certificate.

4. All those users who know about DMCA! They are afraid to steal the content from that website because of the DMCA badge in the site! Because they know that action can be taken on them immediately.

5. Through DMCA certificate, it can also be found out who is publishing your content by editing it.

How to get DMCA Certificate?

You don’t need to do anything special to get a DMCA certificate! Because once the DMCA badge is added to your website! So wait a few days you will get the DMCA certificate too!

This certificate contains the information related to your website like title of all the pages, URL etc.

DMCA certificate is a certificate of security of your website. Also there is a special benefit of getting this certificate! So that the website owner can monitor his site live with this!

And if a person copies the content, then he also gets his information! And the biggest thing is that if the stealing user does not obey even after giving repeated warnings! So in such a situation, the way to take appropriate action is also with the owner of the website.

Friends, now let’s end this article today, I hope! What is DMCA Protection – Now you must know how to put it on DMCA website! If you have any question regarding this article then you can tell in comment.


Ehasan Sabri

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